Envelope Project

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Work, Run, Create, Repeat

And we're off . . . another wonderful day just waiting to be conquered!  Oh, but sleep sounds so much better.  Hmm . . .

This is our "slow" season at work and we are all still scrambling to get everything done before year end.  It used to be that once the consolidated tax return was filed we could breathe a collective sigh, take a deep breath and just relax until the new year.  Not any more.  Lots of work, limited staff and constant hiccups that need attention.  At some point I got older.  Up until that point, the long hours were just a daily routine and I just didn't think about it.  The work had to be done.  But now . . . I'm just plain tired.  Sounds like I need a nice vacation!!  My day hasn't even started yet and I'm not embracing it.  As Mary Englebreit would say "Snap Out of It"!!!  Okay, I will . . . and off I go to start another lovely day!!  Let's go CREATE . . . 'er I mean, let's go to the office and then maybe later, let's go CREATE!!!  All righty then, we have a plan!



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