Envelope Project

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This and That . . .

The holiday season is off to a grand start as B-guy and I took a trip to Kansas to see my family for Thanksgiving.  The weather, food, company was perfect.  Half of my siblings and their families weren't there and we still had 38 people who were all family members.  It was so much FUN!!

The day after Thanksgiving was my brother's birthday and in his honor we ran approximately 4 miles.  Unfortunately he couldn't make the run.  Oh, well . . . next time.

This was taken after we finished our 4 miles.  It was really cold that morning and the Kansas wind just about blew us away, but we prevailed and celebrated with a big Italian lunch!!  Birthday Bro was able to make the lunch . . . hmm . . .

I'm meeting Donna for lunch today.  We're exchanging our Santa Sack gifts.  I still have one more to give, but I haven't finished it yet, so I'm sure we'll do lunch again next week.  Hee hee!!  I'm on vacation this week so hopefully I'll get my butt in gear and finish it.

The fabric rosettes look nice on this packaging.  I know, I need to work on my Christmas decorating skills.  Maybe next year . . .

 I've been working on reducing my scrap pile.  These are made just from the scraps that have not been cut up or put up and are rather small pieces. 

Even after making these blocks, I'm looking at the scrap basket and I swear it hasn't gone down at all!!  What's up with that??!!  Looks like I'll be making more blocks when I get back from lunch!!

And last, but not least, here is the latest book I read on the trip back from Kansas.

Lots of inspiration in these pages.  I'm not big on following other people's how-to instructions.  I'm more of a let me see the pretty pictures and then I'll let it brew in my head for awhile and then try to rework it into something more like me.  I do love me some inspiration, though.


Jan Maree said...

love those rosettes and the scrap blocks look great. I think scraps, like odd socks and wire coathangers, breed in the dark!

donna said...

Joyce you guys look like you need some hot coca. Thank you so much for the beautiful packages. I love the rosettes. You are so talented and I love what you are doing with your scraps. Hope you have a GREAT weekend.