The ride is in less than two weeks now. Saturday B and I went for a ride in Brenham and did a few hills. It was a very pleasant ride. Today I took off from work and B and I did another bike ride. This time we were assaulted with wind. Again we did okay. I feel good about this year's ride and barring no bad weather, we should be fine. I will attempt to make spin class on Wednesday and Sunday this week and get in another ride on Saturday. We're in quarter close now so I won't be able to take next Monday off.
I did some quilting yesterday and today. The "art" quilt is turning out well. It doesn't look much like an art quilt right now, but hopefully when I'm finished with it, the piece will come together and people will "get" it! I also made a pot holder this weekend. It was an experimental piece and the next one I will use more batting in it to make it thicker. I tried out the fire retardant batting, but I haven't actually used it to see if it will keep my hands from burning when removing something from the oven. I also machine stitched the binding and it looks AWFUL on the back side. Like I said, it's a practice piece!
I went to B's elementary school open house on Saturday. It was fun seeing his old school and hearing about all of his memories from long ago. Funny thing was that he did not meet up with a single classmate of his, but I ran into a guy that I used to work with in the late 90's. We chatted for quite awhile while B and his brother made their way down memory lane. Quite a small world.
Tomorrow is another day at work. I'm sure it will be filled with excitement and drama! Ha! We are tax people; we don't do excitement!!!