Envelope Project

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quilt Progress

The quilt is almost complete. I have one more set of borders to sew on and then I'll load it on the longarm machine and work my magic. Woo hoo! I think I'll like the quilt a lot when it's finished, but the pictures indicate a bit too much yellow for me. I was hoping for a darker look, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Doggie's contemplating the color also! Hmm . . .

Work was a bit slow today so I took some time to clean off my desk and then I wrote instructions to a pattern I made. Writing instructions is hard. I can see why people produce dvd's instead. Oh, well, it was fun. I need to scrub it now as the instructions are pretty rough. I'm going to use B. as my guinea pig and make him try it. If he succeeds at the project, then I'll know the instructions are good!

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